Thursday, June 16, 2011

SmartSource Coupon Insert Preview 6/19

Smartsource coupon insert
Breakstone’s any new zesty blends sour cream Save $1/1 (7/31)
Curad any product Save $0.50/1 (9/19)
General Mills any cereals Save $1/2 (7/30)
Green Mountain Coffee any variety in a 10- or 12-oz bag Save $1.50/1 (7/31)
Jell-O any refrigerated snacks$0.35/1 (7/19)

K-cup any boxes of select brands portion cups Save $2/2 (7/31)
Kraft Dressing any 14oz or larger bottles Save $1/2 (7/17)
Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip any 22oz or larger Save $0.75/1 (7/17)
Mayfield dairy ice cream & Broughton dairy milk Save $1.50 wyb both (8/31)
Nasbisco any cookies or crackers 3.7oz – 25.2oz Save $1/2 (7/30) DND, DNT
OFF! any deep woods personal insect repellant Save $0.75/1 (8/13)
OFF! any personal insect repellant$0.55/1 (8/13)
Oscar Mayer any packages of hot dogs Save $1/2 (8/14)
Playtex any gentle glide tampons 18ct or larger Save $2.50/2 (8/13)
Scott towels or bathroom tissues redeemable at dollar general Save $1/1 (7/17) ETS
Yoplait Original or Light Yogurt 4pk any flavor Save $0.50/1 (8/13)
Yoplait any multipack (fiber one, yoplus, delights, yoplait light or original 4pk, yoplait greek 4pk) Save $0.50/1 (8/13)
Yoplait any flavor yogurt of: gogurt, kids cup, trix multipack, splitz Save $0.75/2 (8/13)